Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch

Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch (Milano, 1973) is a composer.
He graduated in architecture (Italy) and composition (France) and after living in Spain for a while, he moved to Paris where he now lives and works.
He has had many professional in depth experiences, and is currently a lecturer in multimedia composition at Franche-Comté University in France, in the Multimedia Department since 2004 and also professor in the conservatory of Montbeliard, France.
He composed music for albums, installations, theater, images, performances.
He composed the music for many contemporary dance shows of the dance company MK, (Rome) commissioned by: Biennale di Venezia, Festival Sant’Arcangelo, Roma Europa…) and in tour worldwide (Europe, Japan, Indonesia, USA…)
His interests span from instrumental composition with real time electronic (mixed music/MAX-MSP-jitter), to audio and video installations to soundtracks and compositions for theater and dance, stemming from a formally strict process of experimentation by using electronic implemented improvisation. All this is created as a means of creation of new electro – acoustic sounds.

A Danza Urbana con

2019 Edition
danza urbana bologna