
Friday 06 September

FIU - Fondazione per l'Innovazione Urbana
Piazza Maggiore 6


Friday 06 September h.11.00

FIU - Fondazione per l'Innovazione Urbana
Piazza Maggiore 6











Dalle ore 11:00 alle 13:00 e dalle ore 15:00 alle 18:00

percorso per uno o due spettatori alla volta ogni 5 minuti


biglietto intero 3 euro
biglietto operatori 1 euro

La biglietteria sui luoghi di spettacolo apre a partire da un’ora prima dell’inizio

Per partecipare alla performance lo spettatore deve munirsi di uno smartphone (con sistema operativo iOS 9.0.1, Android 4.3.0 o successivi) e di cuffie o auricolari

5 and 6 September, from 11 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm – FIU

An interactive installation, a multimedia piece, and performative action. Square is hard to define: it combines Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch’s musical knowledge and Michele Di Stefano’s fluid and unconventional creativity. This installation is perfectly fitted into the urban spaces of the city where it is hosted, each time giving rise to an unprecedented piece, where the audience – equipped with a headset – is immersed into a sound universe that is capable of expanding what is real towards the unreal . During this artistic promenade, the audience will receive images in their smartphone and will be led by a guiding voice to explore spaces and experiences, interacting with the electronic device with which storytelling will be activated. To participate, the audience is requested to bring their smartphone (operative system IOS 9.0.1, Android 4.3.0 or later versions) and headphones or earbuds.




Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch

Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch (Milano, 1973) is a composer.
He graduated in architecture (Italy) and composition (France) and after living in Spain for a while, he moved to Paris where he now lives and works.
He has had many professional in depth experiences, and is currently a lecturer in multimedia composition at Franche-Comté University in France, in the Multimedia Department since 2004 and also professor in the conservatory of Montbeliard, France.
He composed music for albums, installations, theater, images, performances.
He composed the music for many contemporary dance shows of the dance company MK, (Rome) commissioned by: Biennale di Venezia, Festival Sant’Arcangelo, Roma Europa…) and in tour worldwide (Europe, Japan, Indonesia, USA…)
His interests span from instrumental composition with real time electronic (mixed music/MAX-MSP-jitter), to audio and video installations to soundtracks and compositions for theater and dance, stemming from a formally strict process of experimentation by using electronic implemented improvisation. All this is created as a means of creation of new electro – acoustic sounds.

Scheda Artista Completa

Conception and Composition
Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch
Research and development
David Poirier-Quinot, Benjamin Matuszewski
Voice off lind
Fiorenza Menni
Michele di Stefano
Victor Audouze
In collaboration with
David Poirier-Quinot, Olivier Warusfel (Espaces acoustiques et cognitifs,IRCAM-STMS), Norbert Schnell, Frederic Bevilacqua, Benjamin Matuszewski (Interaction son musique mouvement, IRCAM-STMS), consulenti scientifici IRCAM
In the context of
Artistic Research Residency di IRCAM
IRCAM-Centre Pompidou, Ornithology Productions
KLM, Festival Danza Urbana
Executive producer
With the participation of
Marco Pasqualicchio , Giovanni Ginocchini, Valentina Picello, Massimo Carosi, Benno Steinegger, Deborah Lopatin, Szuwha Wu, Amir Elsaffar.
This event was possible thanks to the collaboration of
ATER – Circuito Multidisciplinare, FIU - Fondazione per l'Innovazione Urbana